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Upcoming Exhibitions

2025 Show Schedule

All exhibitions in 2025 open on the First Friday of each month, Apr-Oct. Intake/Outtake day is always the Sunday & Monday before the opening.


March 1 - 22: "DRAW, PAINT, ART!"

Annual show of art by local middle & high school students Grades 6 - 12


APRIL 4 - 26 : "Fresh & Flirty" 

Your brightest and sassiest

Intake: March 30 & 31 from 1-4pm


MAY 2 - 31 "Birds of a Feather" 

Flock together!

Intake: April 27 & 28 from 1-4pm


JUNE 6 - 28 "All Together Now" 

A Celebration of Pride and Inclusivity

Intake: June 1 & 2 from 1-4pm


JULY 4 - 26  "She's Called Nova Scotia" 

An Ode to this place we call Home

Intake: June 29 & 30 from 1-4pm


AUGUST 1 - 30  "Be Kind, Rewind" 

Previously Exhibited Work that Deserves a Second Chance

Intake: July 27 & 28 from 1-4pm


SEPTEMBER 5 - 27  "Off The Wall" 

Everything under $200! All artists are allowed to bring 2 pieces.

Intake: Aug. 31 & Sept. 1 from 1-4pm


OCTOBER 3 - 25

"Thanks For The Season" 

Ending the year with gratitude & warmth. Intake: September 28 & 29 from 1-4pm


2025 Membership

Renew Now

Returning artists should fill out a membership form so our records are up-to-date. There is a new, easy to fill online form HERE.


Our annual membership fee applies for one calendar year, January - December. If you join or renew after October 1st, it's effective immediately and is good for the following year. 


Please send all payments

via e-transfer to:



You may also fill out a paper application and pay at the gallery.


  • We recommend all members sign up for monthly reminders HERE


  • You may bring in a one-page bio/artist statement or cv for our Artist Information binder. This will help customers and other members get to know you better.


  • Here is a FAQ that outlines the upcoming exhibition calendar.




Any questions not answered here?

Reach us by email at




Become a Volunteer

Help us get better!

To volunteer as a gallery attendant in 2025,  sign up directly HERE. Sitting the gallery is a fantastic way to meet other members, artists, local visitors and see what's new on the walls. Learning the ropes is easy and you don't have to do it alone. 


*       *       *


Membership has many Benefits!

Shop for art supplies & show your

LAGS Membership card for discounts:​



1546 Barrington Street, Halifax

10% off art supplies



136 Logan Road, Bridgewater

15% off art supplies



203 Lincoln St, Lunenburg

10% off art supplies



205 Lincoln St, Lunenburg

15% off art supplies



Mahone Bay, NS

15% off everything in store



10% off individual, student, senior,

or household VANS membership.

Get the Discount Code

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